BIM Management,  Communication,  Portfolio

Data Management

The man­age­ment of infor­ma­tion in the BIM envi­ron­ment is key to ensure con­sis­ten­cy through­out the whole work­flow and avoid errors. And with­in this, the data­bas­es, in gen­er­al struc­tured, are essen­tial. They help us to link projects with his­tor­i­cal ones, man­age devi­a­tions from the pro­gram areas in real time, han­dle mod­el qual­i­ty, assess knowl­edge evo­lu­tion of the users, etc.

With patience, a large amount of infor­ma­tion can be accu­mu­lat­ed that helps us in real time and in the plan­ning of future projects.

In recent years, I have cre­at­ed and man­aged hotel data­bas­es to man­age the area pro­gram, anoth­er to man­age the quan­ti­ties of fin­ish­es, on indoor cli­mate con­di­tion­ing, and on BIM users to man­age the train­ing and evo­lu­tion of capac­i­ties, as well as as indi­ca­tors for mea­sur­ing the BIM lev­el of the com­pa­ny. The cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion sur­veys, users and oth­er col­lab­o­rat­ing agents could also join this concept.

BIM User Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey Form
BIM Com­pe­ten­cy Assesste­ment Request Form
Hotel room man­age­ment data base
BIM User data base
Fin­ish­ings cat­a­log data base